From Zero To C1 in 25 Minutes a Day

From Zero To C1 in 25 Minutes a Day” is my All-Inclusive, complete, step-by-step, no fuss, hassle free 75 Lessons online program (yes, only 15 lessons for each Module A1/A2/B1/B2/C1) for Busy Professionals like you, so you can go from scratch to become fluent and confident to join meetings with your colleagues, negotiate with your clients and give presentations in front of your bosses IN GERMAN. Even if you have a busy working schedule.

Click here to learn more about “From Zero To C1 in 25 Minutes a Day”.

Advanced German for Advanced Students

In “Advanced German for Advanced Students” we’ll go through the complete German grammar curriculum from A1 to C2, reviewing quickly the beginner (A1/A2) and intermediate (B1/B2) topics and digging deep into the advanced (C1/C2) topics. We’ll focus on “Pro” vocabulary like “Präpositionalverben” and “Nomen-Verb-Verbindungen” and lay the foundation to learning how to learn advanced German based on real German articles, media and content to finally become fluent and confident on a business setting.

Click here to learn more about “Advanced German for Advanced Students”.

Double Your Confidence in Speaking

In “Double Your Confidence in Speaking” I’ll help you go from “I feel nervous when speaking and afraid of making mistakes or being put on the spot.” to become fluent and confident in speaking in your day to day life.

Click here to learn more about “Double Your Confidence in Speaking”.

Pass Your Official Exam. Guaranteed!

Pass Your Official Exam. Guaranteed!” is my step-by-step, concise 4-week program to pass your next official exam the same way as these students have done.

Click here to learn more about “Pass Your Official Exam. Guaranteed!”.

Verb-Juggling PRO

Are you enjoying my daily Verb-Juggling lessons? Then, go Pro with our Herr Professor App!

Get unlimited access to 250+ episodes, complete transcripts, practice with flashcards and videos.

Click here to learn more about “Verb-Juggling PRO”.

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