How’d you say in German: “He has accumulated a fortune with his investments.”?

Want to learn how to speak German more confidently and more fluently in your day to day life?

Then, let’s do some Verb-Juggling!

Take 1 German verb a day, juggle it around and skyrocket your fluency spending just 2 minutes.

I’ll show you how in this podcast lesson.

In this lesson, we’ll go through the verb: anhäufen (to accumulate) 

Just click on the podcast player below and enjoy the episode.

In case you’re a visual learner and like to see and read through all the words and sentences, then check my YouTube Video of this lesson.

(Note: Keep in mind to actively engage and say the answer OUT LOUD whenever I ask you:

  • “How would you say…”

I’ll give you always a few seconds for your take.)

Here are some of the sample sentences I go through in the podcast: 


Er häuft ein Vermögen an.

(He accumulates a fortune.)

He’s accumulating a fortune.


Er häuft ein Vermögen mit seinen Investitionen an.

(He accumulates a fortune with his investments.)

He’s accumulating a fortune with his investments.


Sie häuft ein Vermögen mit ihren Investitionen an.

(She accumulates a fortune with her investments.)

She’s accumulating a fortune with her investments.


Er hat ein Vermögen mit seinen Investitionen angehäuft.

(He has a fortune with his investments accumulated.)

He has accumulated a fortune with his investments.


Sie hat im Laufe der Zeit ein Vermögen angehäuft.

(She has in the run of time a fortune accumulated.)

She has accumulated a fortune in the course of time.


Im Laufe der Zeit hat er ein Vermögen angehäuft.

(In the run of time has he a fortune accumulated.)

In the course of time he has accumulated a fortune. 


If you have any questions about today’s episode, leave a comment below.

Next time we’ll go through the verb: beschreiben (to describe)  



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