“Are you a Busy Professional who wants to learn German and:

  • neither has the time

  • nor the patience

  • nor the energy

to attend traditional language school classes at night or weekends?”

As a Busy Professional who wants to learn German you may have specific goals like:

  • To finally get started with learning German
  • To have a learning system that fits into your busy working schedule
  • To become fluent as fast as possible
  • To pass the official A2/B1/B2/C1 exam to get your visa or improve your job opportunities in a German speaking country
  • To manage a conversation with natives without getting nervous
  • To speak with confidence to your colleagues and clients
  • To come across with your ideas in a meeting without struggling
  • To give a presentation in German defending your position firmly

But, what is holding you back from learning German?

Maybe it’s the grammar because as Jane puts it:

“learning words is one thing but it is so hard to start to put them together especially if you want to get it right”

Email: Struggling with German grammar

“I have been trying to learn German for nearly two years. Done a beginner night class. Use Duolingo a lot. Also coffee break German podcasts. 

The hardest thing is knowing the rules …. hard to learn with limited time and exposure to the language.

Learning words is one thing, but it is so hard to start to put them together…. especially if you want to get it right!

Der die das are a foundation but one that is hard to learn.

I know you just have to do that. Word order is hard. Especially when there is ‘nicht’ in there somewhere.

Never know where that should go! 

Obviously the cases complicate matters further. As do irregular verbs and separable/reflexive verbs. Etc etc 

I could go on forever with a long list but the rules (and applying them) is the hardest thing for me right now. “

Maybe it’s the lack of time because as Ramona puts it:

“working too many hours and then not really having the energy to go home and study”

Email: Struggling finding the time to learn

“My biggest challenge is working too many hours during the week and then not really having the energy to go home and further study German.

You could say I could use the time in the weekends to catch up with my German, but I must confess that after a hard week at work I don’t feel like further occupying my brain with studies.

Moreover, my work requires me to use English 98% of the time, so I hardly get any practice with my work colleagues.

And, even though I did make some progress with the language in the last two years that I have been living in Germany via some one and a half hour classes that I take at work, I simply feel like my progress is too slow.

At the same time, I couldn’t find any solution to improve my progress, without compromising too much of my very short personal time that I have.”

Maybe it’s the fear of speaking because as Eesha puts it:

“My single biggest fear is the inhibition to speak German. I feel like I am not good enough”

Email: Fear of speaking German

My single biggest fear is the inhibition to speak German to natives. I feel like I am not good enough despite my B2 qualification.

I have been learning German for 4 years now and my aim was to be fluent in the language but unfortunately, I am not and this has been a hindrance finding a job.”

Hi, I’m Manuel.

I’m a native German and Spanish speaker and an Engineer by trade.

Many years ago, some colleagues that had to move to Germany for their job asked me if German is a difficult language to learn:

“Manuel, is it really true that there are 16 different ways of saying “the” in German?”

Weird German grammar cases

“I’ve seen some weird words even longer than some sentences. Be honest with me Manuel, are these real words or just tongue twisters?”

Weird German long words

“I still don’t have the confidence to speak to a German speaking person, even if I know enough to have a small conversation. I feel like I’ll look silly or mess up!

“It took some effort to master mathematics but this German grammar seems like an equation beyond a normal order.”

mathematics vs German grammar

I told them that I find German actually easier than Spanish or English. :-)

Of course… I was just kidding.

Since then I studied different ways to traditional language learning driven by the idea on:

  • How to become fluent as fast as possible
  • How to understand German grammar painlessly
  • And how to structure and systematize the learning process for a busy person

I filtered the best and shook them up with my personal engineering formula so that today I help my students:

  • Start speaking from day 1
  • Become fluent in months, not years
  • And enjoy the language learning process

even with a busy working schedule.

Using my methods and materials, I was able to help colleagues kick-start their German, become confident in speaking, manage with confidence job interviews, conversations with clients, and get their official language certification.

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Dimitra, Research Assistant​ at Access e.V.​.

— B2 passed with 91% in Speaking —

The biggest difference was the fact that I did not need to ‘generate’ extra time for learning German.”

Click here to read the full story.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Preston-pic-787x1024.jpg

Preston, Dentist at the Arkansas Health Center (USA)

— B1 passed with 97% in Speaking —

Another big difference from previous programs was that if I had a question about anything at all, I could just join live Q&A calls on a weekly basis or I just emailed the professor, and I always received a reply (and a detailed answer) within a day. This ‘personal touch’ is something that is really unique.”

Click here to read the full story.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Pic-Khaksar.png

Khaksar, Software Developer at VarioTek GmbH (Germany)

— B1 passed with 85% in Speaking —

“My biggest challenge was time! As other professionals who have a job here, a long day of focused work then driving home, doing daily shopping, preparing the dinner and having a call with the family then there was no time remaining to attend a class and even no energy to continue with learning.

Click here to read the full story.

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My goal is to help you accelerate your learning saving you time and frustration down the road.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s start!

Want To Kickstart Your German And Grow Your Confidence in Speaking in Less Than 3 Months Starting TODAY, Spending Just 10 Minutes A Day On Your Commute To Work?

Imagine having a personal language coach that takes care of your busy working schedule and accompanies you every day on your commute to work so you won’t need to waste one extra minute of your valuable time and he’ll help you gain each day more and more fluency and confidence in expressing yourself in German.

I want to be that coach for you! :-)

Join my FREE, popular newsletter and get short, daily, interactive podcast lessons based on my 1-on-1 coaching sessions with my students right into your inbox.
Just push the play button on your way to work and be part of the conversation!

Want some FREE mini-courses to boost your German TODAY?

Get my FREE exclusive mini-courses that will help you:

  • Start speaking German from DAY 1 if you’re starting from scratch

Imagine starting with German TODAY and having your first confident conversation on DAY 1. Without struggling about what to say or how to say.

Go from zero to having your first confident conversation TODAY.

  • Save more than 50% of your time learning der, die, das with these 2 powerful mnemonics

The german gender seems tricky at the beginning right? “Der” means the, “die” means the and “das” means also the. Wow, 3 times the work for the same result. “And now I have to learn every new German noun with its gender?” NOT with these two powerful tricks.

  • Understand once and for all when and how to use the adjective endings

The German adjective declension is weird? Imagine knowing exactly when to say “groß, große, großen, großem, or großer “. To completely understanding these endings after just one lesson. Without scrolling through weird grammar books. Without memorizing tons of tables.

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